SFC Power Manager 3G
Portable and intelligent power distribution hub for maximum flexibility and autonomy during deployment
SFC Power Manager 3G The SFC Power Manager 3G charges your batteries efficiently and
provides power to your equipment in the field. It can easily be
integrated into existing systems and simplifies power logistics.
The SFC Power Manager 3G enables soldiers in the field to make
optimum use of available power sources including batteries,
vehicle power, solar and of course Fuel cells! Intelligent and
configurable power management reduces the overall weight of
your power system significantly while increasing the efficiency of
the operation at the same time.
Nowadays, the modern soldier has to carry numerous electrical
devices. All these devices have different mains and
charging units to guarantee the power supply.
The SFC Power Manager 3G enables the soldier to use all
energy sources available in the field such as hybrid batteries,
solar panels, vehicle power and, of course, fuel cells to
power devices or charge batteries.
The SFC Power Manager 3G automatically detects the connected
devices, thanks to intelligent cable coding, and adjusts
the output voltage correspondingly. This results in
very low power loss and super efficient power distribution
which is essential for operations in the field.
Carrying separate chargers is therefore redundant and resulting
in additional storage space.
SFC Power Manager 3Gs of different generations are already
being used by the US Air Force, the German Bundeswehr
and many other defence organisations.